Painting Auction!!!

This morning I painted this beautiful fall scene as a demo for my class at the Tecumseh Senior Center. Now the painting wants to go home with one of YOU!!
I am going to auction this painting off right here on my blog, and one of you lucky people will win it!! (The painting is 11" x 15" and is acrylic on paper.)
Here's how it'll go down. As soon as I post this (at ~6pm EST), the auction will open. Comment below with your bid (bidding will start at $5) - each person should add $5 to their bid and continue on in that manner. (You're welcome to add more than that to your bid, but I thought $5 would be a good incremental increase.) Keep checking back from time to time to see if you have been outbid!
The auction will remain open until 9:00am EST tomorrow (October 23, 2015). At that point I will announce the winner!! (Payment and delivery methods can be then sorted out between the winner and myself.)
I hope that this is fun for you! If people like it, I may do more auctions of originals by me! Please keep in mind that this is in good fun and keep things civil and upbeat. Prints of this painting will also be available in the future if you don't win the auction! If you have any questions, please email me at katherinedownieartist(at)gmail(dot)com!